The main feature of the modern oil refineries is a deep processing of oil with the use of new technologies. As a result of use these processes are formed gas emissions, which contain a variety of hydrocarbon compounds. Handling of this waste requires the creation of new technologies for recycling.
In 1988, Danish engineer and scientist Haldor Topsoe was first proposed technology of production of sulfuric acid from sulfur-containing waste. It received the name “Technology company “Haldor Topsoe” WSA”. Technology is recognized as the world produces ≈ 200 million tons, and in Russia ≈ 10 million tons of sulfuric acid per year. About 80% of the raw materials used to account for share of hydrogen sulfide. Technology company “Haldor Topsoe” known on the European market since 1993, the USA first installations were built in 1996.
At present this technology in the world are approximately 70 units. Experience in various industries have proven operational benefits and versatility process WSA. In December 2006, the European Commission to the United Nations included the process WSA among “The Best technologies for large-scale production of inorganic substances”.
In 2005, license on processing of waste gases refinery of the company “Haldor Topsoe” was purchased by Russia and implemented at the Ryazan refinery, and in 2008 - at JSC “Salavatnefteorgsintez”. Delivery of the equipment was carried out by the Danish company.
The disposal of waste gases consists of three main units: unit of combustion gases with translation of H2S into sulfur dioxide SO2, unit contact oxidation of sulfur dioxide SO2 to sulfur trioxide SO3, and the unit of sulfur acid production.
The burning of the waste gases occurs in the reactor - the boiler at a temperature 1000 °C. The reactor is working in hard conditions of high temperatures and corrosive fluids. Therefore, after three years of operation, the question arose about the need to replace it. Russian designers were given the task to develop the domestic version of boiler of a reactor that could be compatible with other devices operating in the technological scheme “Haldor Topsoe”.
In 2009-2010, Russian companies “Power machines” and PSC "Neftehim" were executed design works on development and replacement of the boiler equipment installation "WSA - 1" on the block burning of sulphurous gases.
This article provides data on the work of a new reactor of the Russian production, performed with the use of elements of anti-corrosion protection.
Experimental tests have shown that the reactor for the combustion of sulfur-containing waste oil refineries of the Russian production of PCS-15-4.0 provides sufficient long time secure the implementation of the process of H2S combustion and may be used as part of the technological scheme “Haldor Topsoe – WSA” (Denmark). However, the use of boiler of a reactor PCS-15 – 4.0 require any adjustments to the work of the technological scheme.
Russian reactor is a less productive. Thus, the maximum capacity of the boiler company “Haldor Topsoe” - 4000 m3 / h , the Russian analogue - 2000 m3/ h of gas. Steam temperature, which is produced in the boiler PCS-15-4.0 is 250-260 °C With that in 1,5 times lower than import similar (420-440 °C).
The concentration of SO2 in the technological gas produced in the boiler-reactor PCS-15-4.0 two times higher than required by the regulations. In the reactor of the company “Haldor Topsoe” receive gas, which contains 4.2 -4.3 % SO2. This gas is then directly using the contact the device for the subsequent stages of the process. When applying the boiler PCS-15-4.0 receive gases, in which the content of SO2 is 8.2-8.4 percent. For the further processing of such gases must install the mixer and dilute the resulting gases with air.