This work has the beginning in 1976 when in journal " Successes of physical sciences " two clauses(articles) of such patriarch of quantum physics as Heisenberg W were published. In articles he wrote: to understand crisis of modern physics, it is necessary to return to sources of century for the mistake there was made. We were very much surprised, as considered, that physics " on rise ". A unique weak place of physics - it could not explain an origin of life. But soon we have forgotten this theme. In central press I publish article devoted to anomaly in a spectrum of one of molecules fluorine of carbon plasma in 1981. In 3 months I have doubted as a result of the work and have decided to repeat experiment. However it was required to us almost 1.5 years to learn to reproduce experiment.
At first sight put looked so, that under strictly certain conditions of experiment with fluorine to carbon plasma it is formed giperplazmon, having internal structure. The nature of the forces uniting molecules in giperplazmon, and holding them in this condition, gives to the excited molecules, completely new properties. 60 % of the excited molecules of one type getting inside of it At first sight put looked so, that under strictly certain conditions of experiment with fluorine to carbon plasma it is formed giperplazmon, having internal structure. The nature of the forces uniting molecules in giperplazmon, and holding them in this condition, gives to the excited molecules, completely new properties. 60 % of the excited molecules of one type getting inside of it giperplazmon, passed from excited a condition in not excited without radiation of electromagnetic energy, i.e. giperplazmon took away from them the electromagnetic energy equal to size of electronic transition. We investigated an opportunity of redistribution of energy inside a molecule, have considered variant of transfer of energy to other molecules and, at last, RVT-exchange, but the missed energy and have not found. And, or simple free radicals it is more than molecule by giperplazmon were not kept and could leave it. Their place was occupied other simple free radicals which are taking place in an excited condition. Further process repeats. Apparently, giperplazmon has the form of tore.
We have assumed, that there is any field of a unknown physical nature generated by internal structure giperplazmon. How it to find out? We have decided to investigate it on unicells, but competently put experiment could not. Completely casually we have found out, that this field influences radioactive elements. Experts in the field of nuclear physics to our idea have considered with doubt and we have taken advantage of services of radio chemists (professor Betenekov N. etc.,) which had necessary isotopes and the equipment allowing with big accuracy to trace the change, occurring with isotopes. Appeared, that at isotopes Sr85, Sr90, Ru106 there was a reduction of activity by 20 % with a mistake of experiment of 1 %. Therefore detection of influence on radioactive elements should be counted only casual phenomenon, but the fact of existence of such phenomenon of doubt does not cause. Especially, we have started research of process from his(its) revealing on an aero film. The result of us has stunned. Density darkening cells, in which it was placed Sr90 (taken from a dosimeter as a reference source for work of the last) had density darkening on 46 % less at the included generator.
Obviously, giperplazmon. - is not quzi a particle in literal sense of this word for it is steady enough at stability of the external factors supporting its existence. This field (it is not known that primarily - a field which generates giperplazmon. or giperplazmon, creating a field) is sensitive to size of a current, a pressure(voltage), pressure of gas, frequency, and also to the certain parameters which have no quantitative measurement, for example, sensitivity a smell.
Now we shall return to ideas Heisenberg W. The matter is that 2 employees from 10 person have gone mad, the person who worked behind a plaster wall was threw out from a window and broke, other employees were ill a neurosis. From all group only one person has remained healthy and that it(he) was engaged in computer data processing. Probably, the direct communication here also is not present.
Obviously, giperplazmon. - is not quzi a particle in literal sense of this word for it is steady enough at stability of the external factors supporting its existence. This field (it is not known that primarily - a field which generates giperplazmon or giperplazmon, creating a field) is sensitive to size of a current, a pressure (voltage), pressure of gas, frequency, and also to the certain parameters which have no quantitative measurement, for example, sensitivity a smell.
Now we shall return to ideas Heisenberg W. The matter is that 2 employees from 10 person have gone mad, the person who worked behind a plaster wall was threw out from a window and broke, other employees were ill a neurosis. From all group only one person has remained healthy and that it (he) was engaged in computer data processing. Probably, the direct communication here also is not present.