Scientific journal
Advances in current natural sciences
ISSN 1681-7494
"Перечень" ВАК
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,775

We´ve studied influence of physical training and its combination with introduction of alpha-tocopherol on extracardial regulation indexes of chronotropic function of heart (Bayevsky, 1984) in rats with sympathetic neurons influence deficiency (SNID). Heart palpitation frequency (HPF) caused by guanetidine (40 mg per kg of rat weight injected during 3 first weeks after birth) in rats with SNTD was 479±19,87 times/min at the age of 15 weeks, and it was above standard as much as 30%; Mo, DХ indexes were low and mode amplitude (MoA), tension index (TI) were high. Physical training in water which was begun at the age of 4 weeks according to the staged plan (Savin V.F., 1988) didn´t bring to formation of slowing down of standard sympathetic innervation (SSI); at the same time increasing AX and decreasing MoA, TI against the standard took place. Training in rats with SNID caused decreasing HPF up to 423±10,33 times/min by means of raising Mo and stabilization DХ, MoA, TI. Combination of training and introduction of alpha-tocopherol (10 mg per kg per os the age of 2-3,5-6,10-11 and 14-15 weeks) caused decreasing HPF to 334±4,04 times/min in rats with SSI at the expense of increasing Mo, i.e. formation of slowing down of training took place. Decreasing HPF to the standard (373±5,53) in rats with SNID at the same condition took place as well as increasing Mo and stabilization other indexes of heart rhythm. So, physical training at the background of SNID stimulates decreasing HPF, but doesn´t terminate high index of HPF; at the same time, combination of training and introduction of alpha-tocopherol stabilizes HPF.