Научный журнал
Успехи современного естествознания
ISSN 1681-7494
"Перечень" ВАК
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,775


Кrasnoperova А. G.

The necessity of interrelation general and vocational training in conditions of continuous education in connection with preparation of the pupils for more complex conditions of manufacture is now a sharp problem. In conditions of scientific and technical progress the integration between science, manufacture and educational establishment goes deep. Now theoretical, scientifically practical knowledge not only about separate operations, but also about production as a whole is necessary to the modern specialist. Even more often before the specialist there arc tasks requiring the system approach and complex application, various theoretical and practical knowledge. The economic and ecological problems of manufacture, problem of introduction of new technologies are those in particular. The mastering by manufacture and engineering perfection of skills and skills bases on integration of knowledge of different subjects, on a wide technical outlook on a combination of various kinds of activity and all in the greater measure requires of a future specialist complete world outlook of representations basing on universal values. The expansion integration processes in sphere of manufacture creates the preconditions for development of a new kind of professional work. whose major expression the polyprofessionalism for the statement of integration ways of activity enters by. leaving for a framework of one trade " [1] .A new, "socially polytechnic" type of trades as the manager appears which synthesize in the best features of various trades high educational and cultural level of a specialist of the new type. In these conditions it is important to supply qualitatively other integration level mutually penetration general, professional, middle special and maximum formation as complete process of professional continuous education to overcome excessive division of educational process, to develop the coordinated interaction of all pedagogical collective on reorganization of the contents of educational process with the purposes of its integration. That such complex transformations were carried out in an educational establishment with due pedagogical effect , the systematic research work focused on methodological, educational and methodical substantiation of integration processes is necessary. So, in the philosophical encyclopedic dictionary the integration is determined as " the party of process of development connected with association as a whole before diverse parts and elements " [2] . So, the observable changes in the contents of educational subjects or in the contents of process of training can be attributed to integration processes, if the following attributes are inherent in them: interaction diverse, before the separated elements, the integration is connected to qualitative and quantitative transformations, the integrative process has the lodical-substantial basis.

Pedagogical purposefulness and relative independence of integrative process is directed. The expansion of interaction of diverse elements of process of training on а logical-substantial uniform basis results in occurrence of the certain integrity which is carrying out in educational process rather independent functions. At the same time the realization of integration process gives a beginning to new interactions, it is possible to new systems with new qualities. The change of pedagogical functions of integration process is connected mainly to change of its logical-substantial basis. In turn the choice and substantiation of this or that logical-substantial basis of integration is influenced by the pedagogical purposes ,in our case are the purposes professional formation of a person at continuous education Lyceum -a college - a high school . Depending on the purposes, put in pedagogical process, and tasks the integration can represent system unity of certain circle of knowledge, ways of action and interconnected with them knowable approaches, education problems, means and methods of training. So, for example, А.А.Gorelov marks, that for complete ecological knowledge " it is necessary not only integration ... Important still, that its basis was the purposes. Needs of a man for its interaction with a nature " [3]. V.L.Gansen, А.М.Мiklin. V.А.Podolski give the characteristics to 3 levels of integration: inconsistent, coherent, single unit. The scale of integration process can be: small-scale, middle- scale, large-scale. The forms of integration process are : object- figurative, conceptual, world outlook, active ,conceptual. The structure characteristic of integration process unit is sequence, expense of time. The procedural characteristics of integration process are the way of integration, receptions of integration process, means of integration process, the organizational forms of integration. The organizational characteristics define general conditions of professional training and realization of integration process: preparation of the programs of integration process, coordination and cooperation of the teachers at organization of integration process; maintenance of necessary educational-material conditions of integration process. The realization in educational work of the planned process of integration assumes:

Statement of tasks before flu- participants of pedagogical process;

  • Motivation statement of tasks by an explanation block- of modular technology professional formation of a person of the future specialists in continuous education Lyceum -a college-a high school;
  • Rational distribution of tasks and functions between all participants of pedagogical process;
  • Precise instructing of all participants of pedagogical process about means and methods of performance of the put tasks;
  • Operative regulation and correcting of activity all of its participants. In pedagogic is justified, on our sight, to speak about a logical-substantial basis of integration process, that is about such basis, which significally defines its logic and contents. " In the certain sense the logical-substantial basis is program focusing in the main features that should be reproduced in education process and in what conformity with those by real processes, which objectively determine creation by this or that education integrity " [4].. Professional social status of a person of the future specialists of consumer cooptration in conditions of continuous education Lyceum- a college -a high school occurs on block- of modular technology consisting of integration of technologies, use of resources of outside class work, a passport of integration process and model of the professionally adapted support of a person. So, in education process integration develops and as a result the graduates of Krasnodar cooperative institute are claimed in region and in organizations of consumer cooperation of Krasnodar Territory.

The literature:

  1. ЕL.Shapovalova. Scientific and technical revolution and formation of new system of professional status of material manufacture // Development of human activity in conditions scientifically technical revolution. -L.: 1984, P. 112.
  2. Philosophical encyclopedic dictionary of Owls. Encyclopedia, 1983. P. 210.
  3. А.L.Gorelov. Ecology a science modeling (philosophical sketch) - М.Science, 1985, P. 203.
  4. U.S.Tunnikov. A technique of revealing and description of integration processes in educational work in professional school.М., 1988. P/ 10.

Работа представлена на II научную конференцию с международным участием «Фундаментальные и прикладные исследования. Образование, экономика и право», 6-9 декабря 2004г., Рим (Италия)

Библиографическая ссылка

URL: https://natural-sciences.ru/ru/article/view?id=13715 (дата обращения: 20.10.2024).

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