Научный журнал
Успехи современного естествознания
ISSN 1681-7494
"Перечень" ВАК
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,775


Akhmadeyeva L. Derevyanko С. Veytsman B.
Myotonic dystrophy (DM1) is an autosomal dominant progressive disorder characterized by a wide variety of symptoms, including myotonia, muscular dystrophy, cataracts, frontal balding, hypogonadism, cardiac conduction disturbances, insulin resistance, and several other disorders. The average prevalence of the disease is 3 per 100000, but depending on the location and ethnicity of the population it can vary between 1 and 35 per 100000.

In this work we research geographical factors, in particular, the mathematical model for the calculation of the prevalence of DM1 mutations was developed. To fit the model parameters we used the database maintained by the Ministry of Interior.

We analysed 792 births in 24 villages of Bashkortostan for which the birthplaces of both parents were known.

From these data we calculated the distribution of distances between the birthplaces of parents and children.

This gives the diffusion coefficient for the gene migration to be 1.40000 km2/generation. In other words, the average distance the genes travel per generation is 120 km.

We plan to use this finding and the map of prevalence of DM1 in Bashkortostan to reconstruct the history of DM1 in the Republic and make predictions for the future epidemiologic situation.

Работа представлена на научную конференцию с международным участием «Секция "Молодых ученых и студентов"», 19-26 февраля 2005г. Хургада (Египет) Поступила в редакцию 24.01.2005 г.

Библиографическая ссылка

Akhmadeyeva L., Derevyanko С., Veytsman B. MIGRATION AND MYOTONIC DYSTROPHY IN THE REPUBLIC OF BASHKORTOSTAN // Успехи современного естествознания. – 2005. – № 3. – С. 108-108;
URL: https://natural-sciences.ru/ru/article/view?id=8229 (дата обращения: 17.07.2024).

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