Научный журнал
Успехи современного естествознания
ISSN 1681-7494
"Перечень" ВАК
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,775


Krasnoperova A.G.
Now Krasnodar cooperative institute has developed the plan of specialists´ education of consumers´ cooperative societies under the programs focused on specificity of work in this system. In the methodical plan the complex of curriculums on specialization includes three groups of the disciplines executed in the form of educational modules. Each of them at adaptation to national conditions of consumers´ cooperative societies demands various volumes of work.

The first part (big by the amount) of special disciplines has base character, practically universal for educational establishments of various users, communicating with positions of the traditional educational contents, working practical mechanisms of the international economic community, economic and other interactions of organizations in the countries all over the world. It is possible to relate the following subjects to the given disciplines: Economy, Bases of management, Information technologies of management, Commercial activity, Trading management, Financial management, Foreign trade activities, ets. Such disciplines require only the minimal adaptation in a context of possible insignificant features of national standards (for example, standards of book keeping, quality, ethics, etc.), national mentality of managers, etc. During adaptation of curriculums and methodical materials (for example, so-called "leaders" of manuals, questionnaires) for disciplines of this group it is necessary to provide:

  • Precise translation with the coordination of professional international terminology;
  • The coordination used as illustrations and examples, national and international factual materials;
  • The coordination of lists of the additional domestic literature (to the recommended literature in original working curriculums).

The second part of disciplines of specialization objectively demands essential adaptation that is dictated by basic features and specificity in character of the historical, legal, social environment of business. To such legal sections of the disciplines connected to system of consumers´ cooperative societies, the following concern: Legal bases of ground and property and corporate attitudes, Legislative base of management of the real estate, State regulation of the market, History of consumers´ cooperative societies, Economic substantiation business of decisions in the cooperative organizations, Innovative management, Administrative consultation in consumers´ cooperative societies, Logistic and others. At adaptation of curriculums and methodical materials for the named disciplines teachers of an educational complex " liceum -college- high school " find reasonable border, a harmonious combination available the general for all countries in system of consumers´ cooperative societies of methodological positions, principles and concepts - so-called nucleus of disciplines, and also the steady national specificity demanding the obligatory account and updatings. Accordingly, they very carefully select factual materials, and also the additional literature.

The third part of disciplines, such as: Foreign language, Business etiquette, Business negotiations, Cultural science and others, demand more developing training of students based on universal values.

Now in the educational complex the work directed on adaptation of a complex of programs on specialization, in the following directions is conducted:

  • The coordination with Russian conditions and federal standards of system of secondary school, average and professional higher education.

Adaptation of the contents of programs according to the level of development of legislative base in modern conditions and practice in sphere of ground and property in system of consumers´ cooperative societies, and also corporate relations.

  • Adaptation of the contents of programs in a context of the level of development of the market and professional work, and also the adjacent markets.
  • Work on adaptation of curriculums of disciplines of rates on specialities carry out within 2001-2005.

Thus it is planned to approve most the general not demanding significant adaptation, elements of curriculums in a domestic audience on students of various professional standards and specialization, both the average level, and the high professional level.

In modern conditions of formation of market relations in all branches of economy interest not only to professionalism of a young specialist, but also to his skill to be a communicative person, to manners, appearance is shown. These necessary needs of the market at faculty SPE of the Krasnodar cooperative institute are taken into account during teaching all disciplines necessary for the future workers of consumers´ cooperative societies. A practical orientation of teaching in a combination to development of personal characteristics of graduates of an educational complex are the primary goals of each teacher in his work with students. According to curricula of State standard by average special education the future bookkeepers, technics,technics - mechanics and secretaries - reviewers study theoretical bases business, ethics where greater time is removed to concrete questions: an aesthetics of business appearance and a workplace of a seller, a laboratorian, a bookkeeper,a technic,a technic - mechanic, a secretary; an aesthetics of a trading hall,an office,a shop,an advertising; design, ecology, its specificity in trade and a mass feed, etc. The students of college and high school, students of rates study the basic norms of business ethics and business etiquette dialogue at levels of dialogue: the seller - the buyer, the head - the subordinate, the secretary - the visitors, etc. They study rules of a greeting, a phone conversation, carrying out of negotiations, etc. In teaching the following forms of work are used as a lecture - dialogue, a seminar, an examination,a test occupation, preparation of abstracts. Research work of students in shops and trading firms, excursions in firm shops of consumers´ cooperative societies with the purpose of studying an aesthetics of a trading hall, show-windows, business games, binary lessons on business etiquette, dialogue and etiquette behind a table, etc. Teaching of rates takes into account a multilevel education system. So, the future workers of consumers´ cooperative societies are trained on two steps: initial vocational training, average professional and higher education. Therefore on the first - the second courses they study business ethics and etiquette of the future seller, the laboratorian, the secretary - reviewer with knowledge of a computer and English language, and on the third course of college and at the higher school - study business negotiations, administrative consultation in consumers´ cooperative societies etc. Students with the big interest concern to nogotiations on business, ethics and an aesthetics, business etiquette not only by virtue of an urgency of the given disciplines but also because teachers use a rating scale of an estimation of the knowledge, stimulating active work of students. So, students of the 2 course of the faculty SPE on the first places have taken out the following professional qualities and values of the future specialists of consumers´ cooperative societies at questioning: honesty, responsibility, diligence and validity. In questionnaires they (Group T11-2A) wrote, that respects in itself purposefulness, diligence, responsibility, kindness, optimism, sociability, honesty, fidelity, wit and altruism, punctuality, self-respect, a social maturity of the person were very important. For example, when students drew a tree of preferred qualities of a manager they have removed the most important qualities in their opinionsuch as wit, understanding, purposefulness, skill to communicate, honesty, responsibility, diligence, decency, modesty, enterprise, reliability, erudition, professionalism, respect on the part of colleagues. The collective of the educational complex works above perfection of system professionally labour social growing of persons and brings up such values professionally significant for workers of consumers´ cooperative societies as skill to communicate in labour collective democratically. The urgency of this problem is unconditional and very important.

Работа представлена на заочную электронную конференцию « Современные проблемы науки и образования», 15-20 ноября 2004г.

Библиографическая ссылка

URL: https://natural-sciences.ru/ru/article/view?id=8483 (дата обращения: 19.02.2025).

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