We research the biochemical properties of the fishes of next families: the pollack Pollachius virenis, the haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus); the cod family (GADIDAE - the cod Gadus morhua morhua, the polarcod Boreogadus saida); the hake family (MERLUCCIDAE - the hake Merluccius bilinearis); the plaice family (PLEURONECTIDAE - the plaice Platessa platessa, the halibit Reinhardtius hippoglossoides); the scomber family (SCOMBRIDAE - the scomber Scomber scombrus); the salmon family (SALMONIDAE - the Arctic salmon Salmo salar); the herring family and others. The dependence of seasonal dynamics of chemical content on physiological state (before the spawning, during the spawning, after the spawning) is observed. We study the interaction of hydrochemical parameters of water of Kola Bay and biochemical properties of fishes.
We investigate such parameters as the chemical content and biochemical properties of salmon (Salmo salar), rearing in the conditions of the artificial reproduction, the dependence of biochemistry of this fish on stage of the life´s cycle, the sex, the age. We study the interaction of hydrochemical parameters of water and chemical content of the tissues of Arctic salmon (Salmo salar). The scientists of our department carry out the determination of next characteristics as content of water, proteins, lipids, vitamins, carotins, metabolic products, activity of enzymes and others, the influence of such important factor, as salinity of sea water, on morphology of the salmon.
We also study the biochemical properties of sea and freshwater trout, rearing in the conditions of artificial reproduction, the influence of the life´s cycle, the sex, the age of the fish on the chemical content of the tissues of the trout. The aim of our research is the comparative analysis of properties of sea and freshwater trout, especially young fish. We also determine content of water, lipids, vitamins, carotins, proteins, carbohydrates, metabolic products, activity of enzymes (proteases) and others characteristics in tissues of the trout. Our results show the strong influence of such important factor, as salinity of sea water, on morphology of the trout. Seasonal dynamics of investigated hydrobiont parameters mainly depends on life´s cycle and environmental factors (the content of the pollutant chemicals in aquatic ecosystems).
The data of our investigations show that this research is actual for complex estimation of state of freshwater and coastal marine ecosystems of North Basin in conditions of anthropogenious pollution.
Работа представлена на научную конференцию с международным участием «Высокие технологии», 5-8 ноября 2004г. Париж (Франция)
Библиографическая ссылка
Ovchinnikova S., Shirocaya T., Crivenko O., Cherniyakov S., Mychnujk O., Pocholchenko L., Timakova L. MAIN DIRECTIONS OF BIOCHEMICAL AND HYDROCHEMICAL INVESTIGATIONS OF COASTAL SEA AND FRESHWATER ECOSYSTEMS OF NORTH BASIN // Успехи современного естествознания. – 2005. – № 5. – С. 120-121;URL: https://natural-sciences.ru/ru/article/view?id=8604 (дата обращения: 19.02.2025).